Safari Chronicles Part 2 Day 6

Too many times we allow ourselves to be swept up in doom and gloom and yet there is extraordinary work being done and we dont always remember to commend those who are working so hard to ensure that the situation continues to improve particularly for rhinos who are in such a precarious state. The rest of our day was filled with images and experiences of wonderful game viewing and all the species interacting and peacefully enjoying their lives …I remember when i first came here in the 80’s and it was soo difficult to see animals because they had been used to being shot at the moment they heard the sound of a vehicle they would be off and yet now we were able enjoy seeing them at close quarters….the management and security of Ol Pejeta are doing a magnificent job and the rhino are  clearly thriving  and we were so thankful as we were able to see more than 12 rhino in one day and the spectacle of elephant buffalo and rhino in the same field peaceful enjoying their food was a lasting image from this day…it was a special day and we are thankful and must ensure that this is the case throughout their range that many generations can enjoy this wonder


About aworipat

I am born and raised in Kenya, I obtained my B.S. in International Relations at Lock Haven University in the U.S. and currently live in Nairobi, Kenya. East African history, wildlife conservation issues, and elephant behavior and conservation are among my interests,I currently serve as the Director of the Pan-African Wildlife Conservation Network and Honorary Warden – Southern Region at National Parks and Reserves